Archive for
мај 2018
Zdravo svima!
Maj je vec poceo, vreme maturskih veceri je uskoro, i ja sam odlicila da nekoliko narednih postova bude vezano za maturske haljine. Ovo je bila moja maturska haljina.
Nadam se da ce vam ovi postovi biti od pomoci.
Uzivajte! Ljubim vas puno, i pistie mi komentare da li vam se dopadaju moji postovi.💕
Hello everyone!
May has already begun, the time of the prom night is soon, and I decided that the next few posts will be related to prom dresses. This was my prom dress.
I hope these posts will help you.
Enjoy! I'm sending you kisses. Do you like my posts?💕
May has already begun, the time of the prom night is soon, and I decided that the next few posts will be related to prom dresses. This was my prom dress.
I hope these posts will help you.
Enjoy! I'm sending you kisses. Do you like my posts?💕
Zdravo! Juce je bio prvi maj, kako ste ga proveli?
Ja sam juce posetila manastir Gornjak. Da li ste nekad bili tamo?
Za one koji ne znaju: Manastir Gornjak se nalazi u dolini reke Mlave, između Petrovca na Mlavi i Zagubice, 65 km jugoistočno od Pozarevca, odnosno na 18 km od Petrovca ka Žagubici. Izgrađen je u periodu od 1376-1380. godine kao zadužbina kneza Lazara.
Neke osnovne informacije.😉
Juce je bio jako lep dan, suncan i napravila sam dosta slika. Uzivajte!💕
Hello! Yesterday was May 1st, how did you spend it?
Yesterday I visited Gornjak Monastery. Have you ever been there?
For those who do not know: The Gornjak Monastery is located in the valley of the Mlava River, between Petrovac on Mlavi and Žagubica, 65 km southeast of Pozarevac, and 18 km from Petrovac to Žagubica. It was built in the period from 1376-1380. year as the founding of Prince Lazar.
Some basic information.😉
Yesterday was a very nice day, sunny and I made a lot of pictures. Enjoy!💕
Yesterday I visited Gornjak Monastery. Have you ever been there?
For those who do not know: The Gornjak Monastery is located in the valley of the Mlava River, between Petrovac on Mlavi and Žagubica, 65 km southeast of Pozarevac, and 18 km from Petrovac to Žagubica. It was built in the period from 1376-1380. year as the founding of Prince Lazar.
Some basic information.😉
Yesterday was a very nice day, sunny and I made a lot of pictures. Enjoy!💕
T-shirt: C & A
Pants: Kookai
Pants: Kookai
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